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  • ok, so after many months almost years of being on this internet thing i finally decided to give in and post pictues of myself online. After much talking and much nudeness with a few friends i've finally come up with a sortof photo blog of the past week of sexual activity. ok, so the usual applies: WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT. IMVU AND ANYONE USING IT ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED (including me...) BY CLICKING THE FOLLOWING LINK OR ANY SUBSEQUENT LINKS YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE 18 OR OLDER AND THAT YOU ARE FULLY AWARE THAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENCES THAT MAY OCCUR AS A RESULT OF YOU CLICKING THE FOLLOWING LINK: Click Here to check out mai body, and no comments about my "lower bits" we all know what it looks like.

  • OK! so here's a lil background on the Guest_sexyass60 here on IMVU.

  • She's female, 20 years old, united states-ca as her local, she's also single, and gay/lesbian. and she's looking for "other"

  • so let's get you all up to speed, a few nights ago i was drinking, this girl pops up with huge tits (see picture here she's the black chick on the left. anyway we start off with a little light teasing and i'm plastered with rum and pepsi at this point. so she starts talking about how i should suck her tits, so i do. then kiss her tummy, i also do. then as i naturally continue to her cunt, she says "as you pull my panties down you see a thick black man-dick" and i said wtf? oh well and start sucking like a good cunt. after a bit of this cock sucking she bolts, never to be seen again....until today!!!

  • Guest_sexyass60 has joined the chat
    Guest_JuliFox: oh... you again
    Guest_sexyass60: hello to you too
    Guest_JuliFox: sorry when we hooked up i was really really drunk
    Guest_JuliFox: i dont much like fucking trannys seeing as how i'm a real life herm. so if it's all the same to you, i'd like to forget it happened
    Guest_sexyass60: whats a herm?
    Guest_JuliFox: hermaphrodite
    Guest_JuliFox: i have a pussy and a cock irl
    Guest_sexyass60: but didnnt you like fucking me?
    Guest_JuliFox: not really
    Guest_sexyass60: why not?
    Guest_JuliFox: if i'm gonna fuck a black man i'd rather it be an actual black man
    Guest_JuliFox: not a boygirl
    Guest_JuliFox: that's a trap
    Guest_sexyass60: but it was a good time
    Guest_JuliFox: yeah, it was also me really fucking wasted
    Guest_sexyass60: well i only have a pussy ity was just a poleplay baby
    Guest_JuliFox: you just want some ass again, you fucking left right when i was gonna start fingering my cunt and left me wet
    Guest_JuliFox: i dont do pole play with actual women
    Guest_JuliFox: that's an even bigger trap
    Guest_sexyass60: roleplay
    Guest_JuliFox: eitherway
    Guest_JuliFox: doesnt matter
    Guest_sexyass60: mmmm ok then
    Guest_JuliFox: point is i'm sober and i regret it now
    Guest_JuliFox: so you do what ever you want. if you wanna rape me fine do it i dont care
    Guest_sexyass60: well thats really roode
    Guest_JuliFox: but you'll not turn me on
    Guest_JuliFox: welcome to the interwebs
    Guest_sexyass60: well i guess il just go then sents im such a bad fuck
    Guest_JuliFox: never said you were bad
    Guest_JuliFox: ur just not what i usually fuck when sober
    Guest_sexyass60: what ever
    Guest_JuliFox: i'm into some really kinky shit, and you ms woman with an imaginary dick
    Guest_JuliFox: arent that kinky
    Guest_sexyass60: what are you into?
    Guest_JuliFox: literally anything
    Guest_JuliFox: ABDL to scat to animals
    Guest_sexyass60: i fuck my dog
    Guest_JuliFox: yeah sure you do
    Guest_JuliFox: bet that's a RP too right?
    Guest_sexyass60: nope
    Guest_JuliFox: somehow i dont believe you
    Guest_sexyass60: o well
    Guest_JuliFox: most animal fuckers irl wouldnt be caught dead just chatting. most are into rape
    Guest_JuliFox: the power of that animal behind you taking your innocence is appealing to them
    Guest_JuliFox: you, are not, a dog fucker
    Guest_sexyass60: i think its just cute to have my dog fuck my pussy
    Guest_JuliFox: cute?! wtf?!
    Guest_JuliFox: what kind of dog?
    Guest_sexyass60: he is adorable when he is trying go push his kbot into me
    Guest_sexyass60: golden lab
    Guest_JuliFox: and i'm sure you make him call you mommy
    Guest_sexyass60: he cant call me anything
    Guest_JuliFox: does he like it ruff?
    Guest_JuliFox: or is he all bark and no bite?
    Guest_sexyass60: he fucks me hast
    Guest_sexyass60: he dont bite me
    Guest_JuliFox: fucks you hast?
    Guest_sexyass60: fast
    Guest_JuliFox: ah...
    Guest_JuliFox: i'm sure your a big girl too
    Guest_JuliFox: big girls crave the puppy wang
    Guest_sexyass60: umm not really i way about 120 to 130
    Guest_sexyass60: the bigest part of me is my tits hahaha
    Guest_JuliFox: i'd like photographic proof of your size
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_JuliFox: after all it's the interwebs
    Guest_sexyass60: you have msn?
    Guest_JuliFox: i got yahoo
    Guest_sexyass60: ok il send them on email thn
    Guest_sexyass60: what is it?
    Guest_JuliFox: julifox12@yahoo.com ( hers is (CENSORED Due to privacy issue)~just ask her for it on imvu)  just so ya know)
    Guest_sexyass60: are you into shit and pee sex?
    Guest_JuliFox: well yeah
    Guest_JuliFox: i did masturbate to swap.avi and came.
    Guest_sexyass60: because i have a few of when my gf shit on me
    Guest_JuliFox: k
    Guest_sexyass60: just give me a min
    Guest_JuliFox: ok
    Guest_sexyass60: almost done
    Guest_JuliFox: ok
    Guest_sexyass60: there i sent them\
    Guest_JuliFox: i'll check now
    Guest_sexyass60: you get them?
    Guest_JuliFox: looking now
    Guest_sexyass60: you like?
    Guest_JuliFox: loading now
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_JuliFox: brb

  • at this point i decide it's time to photodump what she sent to me. all 10 pictures are available:

  • http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad255/julifoxL0Lz/pussy7.jpg

  • so that's what i get in my mail...just so you know. i also decide that now's the time to test out a link i put in my blog here a few days ago. hopefully it will work. so i lie and tell her about an old master.

  • Guest_sexyass60: do you like them?
    Guest_JuliFox: back and yes...but they are pretty tame
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_sexyass60: you got any better?
    Guest_sexyass60: i bet not
    Guest_sexyass60: not any more kinki then that
    Guest_JuliFox: actually yes i do
    Guest_JuliFox: but where are you from?
    Guest_sexyass60: im from canada
    Guest_JuliFox: what city & prov (she claims to be from canada so i ask what city and province)
    Guest_sexyass60: send them and let me see
    Guest_sexyass60: monctom new brunswick(at this point i pop in her ip addy and find out she sent it out of new york, so that's New york, california, and now canada)
    Guest_JuliFox: well it's a video of sorts...do you got speakers?
    Guest_sexyass60: yea
    Guest_JuliFox: ok turn them on i'll send you a link(what most of you have figured out is the link is the one i provided earlier at the top of my statement)
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_sexyass60: whats it of?
    Guest_JuliFox: well it's a vid of me and my last master.
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_JuliFox: he makes me fuck his british mastif and shits on me, making me eat it
    Guest_JuliFox: pissing in my cunt
    Guest_JuliFox: all sorts of stuff
    Guest_JuliFox: it's about 30 mins long
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_sexyass60: send me the link
    Guest_JuliFox: i'm trying to find it in my favs
    Guest_JuliFox: i have way too much porn stories
    Guest_sexyass60: ok well find it
    Guest_sexyass60: lol i bet your lieing
    Guest_sexyass60: you still there?
    Guest_JuliFox: send
    Guest_JuliFox: sent
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_JuliFox: maybe i am maybe i'm not, the vid speaks for it self
    Guest_JuliFox: you get it yet?
    Guest_sexyass60: the link isnt opening to anything
    Guest_JuliFox: it should
    Guest_sexyass60: send it again
    Guest_JuliFox: ok...
    Guest_JuliFox: ok...i re sent it then checked the message it doesnt work
    Guest_JuliFox: so i added it to my blog. go to the HP and click on my pictures (at this point i realize yahoo fucking blows with html as does hotmail, so i peep her too the link in my blog which i have to give her directions to.)
    Guest_JuliFox: it's linked through the blog
    Guest_sexyass60: ok
    Guest_JuliFox: did it work are you seeing it?
    Guest_sexyass60: just a sec
    Guest_JuliFox: well?
    Guest_sexyass60: ok so where is it on your hp
    Guest_JuliFox: it's in the blog (waiting for the pay off was horrible, i was so tense, "will she poof, will she ignore me, will she laugh, will she vomit all over the computer and cry?" no...it flat pissed her off )
    Guest_sexyass60: what the fuck
    Guest_sexyass60: how old are you?
    Guest_JuliFox: old enough to know when someone sends me porn from a site and porn of some random chick as well as a fake cunt
    Guest_JuliFox: none of those pictures were you you fucking lying little shit
    Guest_JuliFox: so i got your ass back
    Guest_sexyass60: yes they where
    Guest_JuliFox: no
    Guest_JuliFox: they werent
    Guest_sexyass60: yep
    Guest_JuliFox: as i told you i'm a fucking scat luvr and ur just a lying little cunt
    Guest_JuliFox: i've seen that girl in porn lady, you arent the same girl
    Guest_JuliFox: the tits are a dead give away
    Guest_JuliFox: not to mention body structure
    Guest_JuliFox: so when you ask your lil friends....who made you tell the truth...say juli did....and she did it for the lulz
    Guest_JuliFox: and remember
    Guest_JuliFox: violets be nevar lulz

  • If that wasnt enough i left at that point. a final hurrah, but alas some stupid bitch, ie puppy cunt up there, decides to try like over 9000 times to get me back into chat to tell me the following

  • Guest_sexyass60 has joined the chat
    Guest_JuliFox: ok i've calmed down now
    Guest_JuliFox: man that was great
    Guest_sexyass60: your a dumb old bitch lol no i was never in porn those are pics me and my frineds took for fun
    Guest_JuliFox: and your avi is still in flirty mood
    Guest_sexyass60: it always ius
    Guest_JuliFox: no they arent, even if they are they are 2 different. possibly 3 people
    Guest_sexyass60: no lol
    Guest_sexyass60: its me who got shit on
    Guest_sexyass60: me in the bathroom
    Guest_JuliFox: then it's not you in the torso shot
    Guest_sexyass60: and i bent over and took a pic of my ass
    Guest_JuliFox: unless one was shortly before you got implants they arent the same
    Guest_JuliFox: you dont have to lie, i'm already laughing....this just makes it better
    Guest_sexyass60: no i never got implants your judt a fucking dumb ass
    Guest_sexyass60: you think you know but you have no clue
    Guest_sexyass60: lol your probably just some fat ass dude that lives with his grandmas basment
    Guest_sexyass60: lol go get a jiob faget
    Guest_JuliFox: hey i live with my mom ok
    Guest_sexyass60 has left the chat
    Guest_JuliFox: she got's diabeetus


  • so i message her back...

  • invite 1 is responded to by a : fuck off you fat asshole lol and get a jiob and_) at that point imvu cuts it off...

  • so i try again....

  • Guest_sexyass60 declined to chat, saying, 'omg leave me alone i dont like guys talking (once again imvu cuts off)

  • so i try yet again....

  • Guest_sexyass60 has joined the chat
    Guest_JuliFox: wow a response... guess third time is a charm
    Guest_JuliFox: you're right you know...
    Guest_sexyass60: holly fuck leave me alone
    Guest_sexyass60: il repot you
    Guest_JuliFox: i am a worthless male fat fuck that entertains myself by sending bad links
    Guest_JuliFox: and i'll forward them the pics you sent. and the chat log which will be up on the blog in about 5 mins
    Guest_sexyass60: go away
    Guest_JuliFox: ok have it your way
    Guest_JuliFox: at bk!
    Guest_sexyass60: you think i care lol
    Guest_sexyass60: get a jiob asshole hahahahahahahah
    Guest_JuliFox: this coming from the girl who eats shit and has friends who eat shit take pictures of the shit eating she doo
    Guest_sexyass60 has left the chat

  • so needless to say i've been had again, "get a jiob". she has me there. i never thought i'd actually find someone who can say something so prophetic it causes me to actually reassess my life. i know my mom has cancer, i know she needs my help but this girl is just so profoundly intelligent that i dont think i could ever stay with my mom again. so i've decided to pack up tonight and move in with a friend. granted i'll have to suck his thick black meat, but maybe i'll get to take it up the bum instead. i hope i get lube this time. it's hard being buttfucked when you are so fat. i'm grotesque. when i get hard, my gut goes out another inch cuz the cock is pushing against the fat but me and my small cock are so tiny. i just wish that i could lose the weight, get a job and move out of my moms house. granted i like the daily handjobs or occasional armpit fucking, but really, i just do it because i loathe myself.

  • i guess when all is said and done when you're on the interwebs....you'd better have a jiob.

  • After a few hours of her not being around she popped up again and i was like:

  • Guest_sexyass60 has joined the chat
    Guest_JuliFox: (sings) the cat came back the very next day!
    Guest_JuliFox: what do you want?
    Guest_sexyass60: to see how bitchy you still are lol
    Guest_JuliFox: i'm not bitchy at all...i've got what i needed, a really good laugh.
    Guest_sexyass60: no you need a job
    Guest_JuliFox: nope, just got hired as a spooge cleaner at the local glory hole
    Guest_JuliFox: i think it fits
    Guest_sexyass60: and your own place
    Guest_JuliFox: i mean i prefer socks, but hey, it's whatever, a job's a job.
    Guest_sexyass60: and maybe a gf
    Guest_JuliFox: nah i dont need a gf, my mom says girls are bad news
    Guest_JuliFox: plus i have you covered in shit to keep me happy
    Guest_JuliFox: as for my own place i've got my own little card board box.
    Guest_sexyass60: you like that?
    Guest_JuliFox: well no, i mean who wants to live in a card board box
    Guest_JuliFox: it hardly holds my fat ass.
    Guest_JuliFox: it's one of those giant like deep freeze boxes
    Guest_JuliFox: and it still hardly contains me
    Guest_sexyass60: i mean the me covered in shit pics
    Guest_JuliFox: well yeah. i mean its totally not you but what ev. it makes me laugh and grosses people out
    Guest_JuliFox: it's a win win
    Guest_sexyass60: ummm ok
    Guest_sexyass60: so you are a guy?
    Guest_JuliFox: so what do you want?
    Guest_JuliFox: apparently...it's like you said i'm just a fat fucking asshole that needs a jiob and lives in a basement
    Guest_sexyass60: well atleast you know you faild at life
    Guest_JuliFox: i've never been ashamed of what and who i am. you apparently, feel the need to talk down to me having known nothing but the feeling of my virtual mouth over your fake virtual penis
    Guest_JuliFox: i didnt fail at life...like all fat internet fucks i blame a mom that loved to little and a daddy that loved too much
    Guest_JuliFox: those nightly reach arounds felt good at first but then he kept saying, "GRAB THE ICECREAM CONE LITTLE TIMMY TIME TO COME IN THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!"
    Guest_sexyass60: lol you where bum fucked by your dad
    Guest_sexyass60: hahahahahaha
    Guest_JuliFox: so, as a "so there" of sorts, to my father, i took your pictures and posted them on the internet along with the entire conversation. and i'm going to include this part as well
    Guest_sexyass60: well have fun
    Guest_JuliFox: me, not giving a fuck about what you have to say, and you, sitting there trying to find some shred of power from the onslaught of doom that you experienced going to my link
    Guest_JuliFox: no problem...and you should read my blog sometime it's interesting how everything came together.
    Guest_JuliFox: is there anything else?
    Guest_sexyass60: all your blog is is about that old lady porn you have
    Guest_JuliFox: (shrugs) yeah it is isn't it...who doesnt like throwin down a fap session to Gmilfs?
    Guest_sexyass60: like everyone
    Guest_sexyass60: thats gross
    Guest_JuliFox: no it's not...
    Guest_sexyass60: yes it is
    Guest_JuliFox: they have so many wrinkles they could actually fuck like 42 baby fetuses and everyone could cum
    Guest_JuliFox: maybe you should take another look at the blog
    Guest_JuliFox: a lot's changed since you clicked that link
    Guest_JuliFox: you're reading it arent you
    Guest_sexyass60: reading what?
    Guest_JuliFox: the blog
    Guest_JuliFox: how could you avoid making a comment about baby fetuses unless you were reading it
    Guest_JuliFox: ok well i'm bored...next time you have something productive to say invite me back.

  • i am really bored with this...

Once again, about 5 mins later she messaged again

Guest_sexyass60 has joined the chat

Guest_sexyass60: ohhh babyb your making me so wet

Guest_sexyass60: take that shit off

Guest_JuliFox: nah i think i'll keep it on

Guest_sexyass60: no take it off

Guest_sexyass60: pleees

Guest_JuliFox: no. if i do my fat rolls will come out and kill 42 people as they roll through the city

Guest_JuliFox: i'd like to spare the world another reason to off itself

Guest_JuliFox: so i'm bored again

Guest_JuliFox: i'm not even including this in the blog

Guest_sexyass60: take it off pleeees

Guest_JuliFox: message me some other time if you want.

Guest_JuliFox: no i'm not stripping

Guest_sexyass60: take the blog off

Guest_JuliFox: nope

Guest_sexyass60: what doi have to do?

Guest_JuliFox: you have to do nothing.

Guest_JuliFox: i'm not taking it off.

Guest_sexyass60: then take it off

Guest_JuliFox: there is nothing you could do or say that will make me remove it in whole or in part

Guest_sexyass60: why not?

Guest_sexyass60: owell then

Guest_sexyass60 has left the chat

Guest_JuliFox: because i find it funny